OIL SPOT TREATMENT - oil, grease, and gasoline stains are treated using an oil spot primer. Please note; areas that are severely affected by these types of spills may require additional repair in order for the proper bonding.

APPLICATION OF SEALCOAT - Topcoat Sealers will apply our exclusive custom designed high density, high traffic emulsified coal tar sealer, which exceeds the federal specification of RP-355E. Sealer will be machine applied by our highly trained and skilled pavement technicians. We guarantee a clean job and jobsite.

ADA Compliance - State and federal compliance is required by law and has severe penalties for commercial locations that are not within current compliant requirement standards. Topcoat Sealers has on staff compliance specialist to insure your facility is meeting the current federal, state and local minimum requirements to avoid the expensive fines imposed for non- compliance.

BARRICADES - The parking lot is professionally barricaded using cones and stake and line barriers so that the areas under the maintenance are clearly visible and protected from premature traffic.

CURING TIME - To assure the best adhesion and bonding, proper curing time is essential industry standards require 24 hours of curing time from the time the application is applied and at the end of the 24 hours the barricades will be removed.